# Tutorial The following content is a tutorial on creating mods for the Temporary Escape game. **Modding allows you to change how the game behaves.** For example: * Adding in new entity types * Overwriting or adding new textures, models, icons, turrets, ships, sounds, etc. * Adding custom scripted behavior to entities * Custom missions and campaigns * Changing an existing behavior by overwriting event handlers * And much more! ```{note} **You do not need to set up a C++ development environment!** The modding works out of the box. All you need is a simple text editor (no, not Microsoft Office!). There are no packaging steps required. You work on the files directly! ``` ## List of tutorials **Please follow the tutorials in order. It is very important that you understand the principles behind the game engine.** ```{toctree} introduction lua lua_imports lua_modules lua_classes engine_api ```