# Class Iterator<T> **Module:** `require("engine")` An iterator that is used by the seek() function from the Repository class. This iterator can be used to iterate through set of values, one at a time, by some prefix. **See also:** [Repository<T>](Repository_T_) ------------ ## Member Functions List of **member** functions within the table `Iterator`. These functions need to be called using the colon symbol on some instance of `Iterator`. ### next() Retrieves the next value **Returns:** `bool` - True if there is some value to read or false if this is end of the seek ```{warning} This function must be called first before trying to read the value or the key. ``` ------------ ## Fields List of fields within the table `Iterator`. These variables belong to this class and can be accessed only via an instance of this class. ### value The current value that the iterator points to. You must first call next() before using this field, otherwise this raises an error. **Read-only!** **Type:** `T` ### value The current key that the iterator points to. You must first call next() before using this field, otherwise this raises an error. **Read-only!** **Type:** `string`